
collaborative design process

Hugh Jefferson Randolph Architects approaches each project as a collaboration between the architect and client. Starting with the goals and dreams of the client, we like to structure the early design meetings as brainstorming sessions, where everyone is given a voice, and all suggestions are given, considered, and explored.

Even in situations where the design preconceptions are strong, we feel that the most appropriate and freshest solutions are typically not what the architects or clients expected at the beginning of the process. For us, the best compliment to give or receive is “I would never have thought of that on my own!”

site specific design

Whether the design is for a hill country ranch house, a downtown loft, or a single family home on its own lot, each project is unique. Just like the dreams and personalities of the clients shape each particular design, so does the site. We take great care in having the design take into account issues such as sun and breeze location, slope, views, and the character of the surrounding environment.

Our philosophy is that a design need not mimic its surroundings in order to fit in, but should tap into the deeper character of its particular place and time, resulting in a work of architecture that creates a special sense of place. To further this goal, we offer both architectural and site design services.